so werd....
BAFANA!!!!! about to play! (just had to get that out cause they go bonkers when Bafana is playing)
Growin up is what I call this trip.....A good friend taught me about seeing myself vibrating @ a higer level and seeing myself in a brigher that i'm here i see exactaly what she was talking about. It's hard to look at yourself when you spend soo much time critisizing yourself. I gues everyone wakes up and has a revelation about what and who they are.....and three days ago was the day for me. People will always have something to say about your position in life where you are...where you need to be.....and how u need to be......but when you look at it, it's all bullshit and speculation from someone one who is also dealin wit some shit that mirriors the bullshit speculation that they just tried to tell you about yourself..(understand?) Bottom line is you deserve the right to be who you are and be as bright as fat ass star planted right in the middle of the universe. Remember cant grow into that amazing person that you want to be unless you, meet/date new people, eat new foods, smell different smells, travel to different places, see life in a different place. Even when two people love each other if one can't grow the other can't grow, and if one won't grow the other can't the end of the day YOU need to be satisfied with the position YOU are in in YOUR life......besides your the one who put yourself in that situation......not your so called GOD or so called DEVIL. The blessing you were born with was your ability to assume the drivers seat in the car called u gone roll son? I'mma ride this life till the wheels fall off...and you can take that shit to the bank (as my cool ass high school football coach used to say) So my advise to you is......assume resposibility for every little detail of your life and face it head on.......understand that if you don't no one will......