Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Help me Crash the Superbowl with Doritos!!!!

Hey guys check out these two commercials I produced and directed for the Doritos Crash the Superbowl Contest

"Runaway Bag"

"Nacho Brotha"

Watch, Vote and Rate it 5 stars, Share it, and REPEAT!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Casey Washington Actors Reel

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My actors reel that I had the pleasure of editing. Fun working on the project and working on putting this together. Life is Grand!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Soul Searchin.......

I was talking to my mother today and she says to me that she was proud of her 3 kids. Shout out to my big sisters! I love yall baby bro on it! But moms said that she was proud of us because we were eager to leave the nest. cause leaving the nest and dropping everything behind wasn't written in her fiber. But we had it written in ours.......And then I asked her what did my father contribute to us that was written in his fiber without being bias, emotional, or attached to any of the bullshit that they have had on a relationship level.? At first she says nothing, he contributed nothing....Then I asked her what was written in his fiber that you saw and she said that he constantly lived in a fantasy world. I hit me so hard cause I am guilty as charged if someone could charge me on the shit. I have to admit the moves that I've made in my life from losing 120 pounds, moving to Hollywood, Hollywood shufflin, living in south Africa for 4 months I've felt very day dreamic about it. That being said I have a Theory. When my mother and father decided to produce another life from their human bodies by combining their combined DNA they had an opportunity to wish upon a star and they did. She gave the will and drive to get up and go, he gave fantasy that never dies, and now my job as Casey is to know how to hone these skills and ride with the grain in my life. Shout out to my step dad for being my dad I love you man you've tought me how to fish now i'm huntin whales pop! Now that said while in Africa I met some amazing people but nothing I felt at the time changed my life you know that thing everyone says that you go to Africa to find. lol didn't find it....at least I thought till now. A good friend of mine in cape town asked me why do black Americans come down to Africa to find themselves?lol I thought it was a hell of a question cause I had no answer really except for some bullshit.......But he says why not find your history where you are? Your father wasn't from Africa his father wasn't from Africa, his fathers father wasn't from Africa...find out who they are then if you want to go deeper go deeper but don't think coming over here to see our ghettos like it's some sort of freak show is gunna scare you straight. He is a brilliant man/and mad n&^%i. i love em.........(PING) Message...........I will always rep Africa as the New Horizon! It is a place not just plentiful of natural resources but it is abundant with extremely talented artist, extremely brilliant people, and place where love can't be matched anywhere on earth. I have never heard this saying ring soo true till this night......You gotta know where you come from to know where you goin...........and I'm going outta this world Galaxy, dimension, sight baby! (n my Richard Pryor voice) believe dat jack.....it's too late they wished me here and here I b!.....Ight I'm done talking will talk later peoples and don't forget to live your life with a purpose and ambition.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

so werd....

BAFANA!!!!!....is about to play! (just had to get that out cause they go bonkers when Bafana is playing)
Growin up is what I call this trip.....A good friend taught me about seeing myself vibrating @ a higer level and seeing myself in a brigher light......now that i'm here i see exactaly what she was talking about. It's hard to look at yourself when you spend soo much time critisizing yourself. I gues everyone wakes up and has a revelation about what and who they are.....and three days ago was the day for me. People will always have something to say about your position in life where you are...where you need to be.....and how u need to be......but when you look at it, it's all bullshit and speculation from someone one who is also dealin wit some shit that mirriors the bullshit speculation that they just tried to tell you about yourself..(understand?) Bottom line is you deserve the right to be who you are and be as bright as fat ass star planted right in the middle of the universe. Remember this....you cant grow into that amazing person that you want to be unless you, meet/date new people, eat new foods, smell different smells, travel to different places, see life in a different place. Even when two people love each other if one can't grow the other can't grow, and if one won't grow the other can't grow......at the end of the day YOU need to be satisfied with the position YOU are in in YOUR life......besides your the one who put yourself in that situation......not your so called GOD or so called DEVIL. The blessing you were born with was your ability to assume the drivers seat in the car called life.....how u gone roll son? I'mma ride this life till the wheels fall off...and you can take that shit to the bank (as my cool ass high school football coach used to say) So my advise to you is......assume resposibility for every little detail of your life and face it head on.......understand that if you don't no one will......

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bafana Bafana! lost yesterday........damn.....from the looks of it they were playing too disciplined as a soccer mate of mine explained to me. Never thought you could be too disciplined.....but it's very interesting how you can be soo disciplined that you can't adjust yourself to reality. Your robotic disciplines will eventually will need to be updated to keep a maintain in this oh so grand life we all lead. I realized my disipline was dated and wasn't open to the change that happens in day to day week to week, month to month, year to year, life to life.... I now open my mind to what I like to call progressive change.....I see all things, places, and beings are all the same in this world.......there are only different levels........just cause you have alotta pain in your life doesn't make you any different from a person that has a little pain.....both are effected by pain. So from here on to forever I will not be afraid of change.....I will continue to shift and change, grow, meet new people, replace people of no quality who don't respect themselves, and support life in this world or beyond. To love yourself is to love someone else........tell yourself this everyday: I wish to love you as I love myself, give, and inspire the qualities I look for in you. Besides what's so bad about making sure your straightened out before anyone else? People call it being conceited or being full of yourself.........I call it put up or shut up @ the end of the day.......my heart bleeds love and inspiration and in order for me to feel this I have to replace and shift a few elements, people, and dysfunctional discipline mechanisms......I commit that to my soul being and vibrate in that energy........you know what I've noticed?.........attachment is a muthafucka......lol........atatchment is so destructive it's astonishing...attachment to people, places or things. (lol destructive nouns) Always know what ever doesn't make you feel good about yourself is made for you to recognize and getcho shit together......nobody knows you like you and no one can get upset for you looking out for you....most people want someone to look out for them so they won't have to assume that responsibility......Fuck that.....if you believe in god or a higher system why would he want you to suffer @ all? We suffer and put it off on someone elses shoulders when we know what's best for ourselves, we just don't listen to ourselves because we will find out just how powerful the human mind and body is.......your life is waiting to start as soon as you start listening to your heart and let your mind execute........An willing heart will always open a willing mind...........this blog may not make much sense cause I'm just writing the shit that comes to my mind it's coming out as is and I will leave it this way only thing i shall do is spell check............................................done i'm out!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Me today.

Today on Monday woke up hearing "I want to be where you are" by Marvin Gaye and felt like that was my mind talking to my soul. lol In other words I felt amazing......I could feel everyones anticipation and joy for the world cup, the proudness, and strength.....The same feeling I got when I was walking downtown on Strand st. and I saw this group of kids singing songs about Jesus and saw the strength inside of them when they sang his name. I had one of those moments of DING!....I get it.....I'm not religious at all but I understood @ that moment what that word Jesus meant to those people. No matter how rough of a situation they were going through, call that name and it will bring you a sense of security and comfort.........peace. I grew up a Jehovah's witness and felt like after my experience with that I was sorta jaded when it came to religion but now I get the real reason for religion.......unity. There are 100's of beliefs around the world and the most brilliant thing about them all is that they all have one common thing.....A path to Jehovah, God, Allah, the Almighty, the Omega, the Supreme, whatever you want to call him/her/it they all mean the same thing your most high. In some odd way the way soccer is uniting this country it's kind of like god like. DAMN SON I"M INSPIRED! I'm learning soo many new things about myself and rediscovering soo many old things that were lost amongst all of the bullshit that we get caught up in day to day. I have to be honest I lost track of love......and when I say love I don't necessarily mean being in love even though that's part of it.....I lost track of love for myself. I got caught up in the game where I was trying to please everyone and lost track of what made Casey happy which is Love for myself. I haven't loved myself for such a while and now I see how my happiness needs to be genuine so I can share a genuine love with and for others. That's how I've been built, how my mom and dad raised me and how I reach my optimum potential as an artist, man, person, and human being. Operating from a place of love for myself (yourself) will bring an amazing brilliance that I (you) never knew I (you) had or could even reach. So now I practice unconditional love for myself so that I can love unconditionally with and for others. If you love you unconditionally, you know how it feels so loving someone unconditionally is completely possible. N E way life's moving and I don't want to miss another moment so till later peoples. Live like you mean it! Love like you know what it feels like to be loved! and DREAM! it's the only way to fly!

Wanna send a shout out to my family mom, pop, sisters, brother, cousins, aunts, uncles, personal friends and especially nieces and nephews, nyia, tyree, logan, jamal, kamari! When I think of my life I think of you, and when I think of you I think of unlimited love, life, and optimism.....Happy feelins in the air sons and sonnets! you 5 are the shit to me and I look up to you when I'm down.......peace


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=504702188 (casey washington)

Twitter: http://twitter.com/caseywashington (casey washington)

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